1. His commission is from Christ, an ambassador.
2. If sent of God, he is His representative.
3. To assert His claims and secure universal obedience.
4. His field extends as far as the claims of God.
5. To all the moral conduct of the flock.
6. He should teach, advise, reprove, warn, rebuke, persuade, and command, in God's name on all moral questions.
7. In public, social, private, domestic questions.
8. Should allow no limitation of his legitimate sphere, short of the claims of God.
9. He has the right, for it is his duty to teach, reprove, rebuke, persuade, and interfere, whenever and wherever it is necessary to prevent sin and secure obedience.
10. Also, on all questions, public, social, private, domestic, that involve questions of duty to God or man.
11. All questions of public or private weal come within the true intent and meaning of his commission.
12. He is commissioned to all individuals, hence to the whole.
13. He can influence the masses only as he influences the individuals that compose the masses.
14. His aim is to mold private, individual character.
15. And thus secure the highest usefulness and final salvation of everyone.
16. Pastors should never admit that they are out of their appropriate sphere, when urging any claim of God. All are amenable to God.
17. The time, place, manner and circumstances of his teaching and interference should be guided by prayerful and well-considered discretion.
18. He should aim to form and control public opinion on all moral subjects. All Christians should co-operate.
19. To keep out all antichristian opinion and influences.
20. To promote the right kind and extent of education.
21. To secure public libraries of the best books.
22. To discourage the reading of injurious ones.
23. To rightly form the political opinions of all classes.
24. To regulate their pursuits and amusements.
25. To lead the way in all that concerns the well-being of the flock and community.
26. He is the appointed overseer. He has the oversight.
27. This idea will define the limits of his commission.
28. Remarks:
(1) A pastor must be a laborious man.(2) He needs to be more than an ordinary man.
(3) Also a considerate and cautious man.
(4) A wise man, apt to forecast results.
(5) An unselfish man.
(6) To have a single eye to the good of the flock.
(7) A patient man, slow to anger.
(8) A meek man -- if resentful, he will lose influence.
(9) A man of great faith.
(10) A man of large hope.
(11) A persevering man.
(12) Shun donation parties.
(13) Should not too much fear to be called eccentric.
(14) Nor to be an imitator, if the model be good.
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